Surviving Comics is a documentary that Answers the question: Can comic books SHOPS SURVIVE?
This Documentary film produced by Driven Films, is already in production and showcases the remarkable resilience of Comic Book Shops throughout the decades, surviving economic hardships, cultural shifts, and global challenges.
Enter the amazing world of comic shops.
We have had the pleasure of interviewing the owners of some of the industry’s most amazing Comic Book Shops. As we continue production, our film crew will be visiting even more amazing shops so we can tell their story. We are also looking for collectors and industry experts with an awesome story to tell. If that’s you, reach out to us.

Watch Our Teaser Trailer
We’re well underway with production on the documentary and have visited several amazing comic book shops on the East Coast of the U.S, but with your help we can dive even deeper into the past, present and the future of Comic Book Shops. Donate today to our IndieGoGo campaign to help make this happen!
Production is underway!
Because we believe in this project, we’ve already begun production on the documentary and have interviewed some amazing comic book shop owners in Florida, Atlanta and New York City. We’ve been blessed with a film crew that has volunteered to make this project come to life…and while we’re pumped with what we have captured so far, we don’t want to stop here! We feel like we’d be doing the Comic Book Community a disservice by stopping here.

How you can help!
So far, Surviving Comics has been entirely funded by our production company, Driven Films. To keep the production moving forward, we need your help. In early 2024, we’ll be launching a crowdfunding campaign on IndieGoGo to raise funds. In the meantime, you can sign-up for our pre-launch campaign. If you’d like to help us even more, spreading the word on social media is the best way to help!